Plant secondary metabolites occupy a significant place in the pharmaceutical industry, constituting 25% of the medical prescriptions used in the central countries. The objective of this line of work is to develop phyto-enzymatic processes in bioreactors for the production of secondary metabolites in a continuous, reproducible and sustainable way with the environment through the combined application of metabolic engineering strategies, elicitation, in situ removal and hydrodynamic stress in crops. in vitro vegetables. In the same vein, the production of a) anthraquinones in cultures of Morinda citrifolia and Rubia tinctorum cellular suspensions and  transformed roots and  b) tropane alkaloids in Brugmansia candida  transformed roots are approached.

Principal Reseracher
Dr. Julián Rodríguez Talou.
Group members
Dra. Ana M. Giulietti.
Dra. María Perassolo.
Dra. Alejandra Cardillo.
Dr. Víctor Busto.